09 September 2023
Club Nursery Starts Sept 26th from 6pm is St Pauls College Astro
Our 2023/24 Nursery will start back on the 26th of September at 18:00 on St Pauls college Astro, Sybill Hill, for Girls and Boys born 2017 and 2018. It will run up to the end of April.
To register and join you must download the ClubZap app.
Download the ClubZap app, choose Clontarf FC, select chat icon ( bottom right) , join the nursery chat group. Then, select membership, follow instructions and select Mini/Nursery membership to sign up and register.
John Rush
Nursery Co-ordinator
087 266 6153
Ronan Smith
Nursery Coaching Co-ordinator
087 266 6153